Wednesday, 4 March 2015

App of the Week

Elements 4D 

I love investigating and hearing about new apps so here's one that a colleague introduced me to recently.

This app empowers student learning by SUPERCHARGING the chemistry classroom!

Elements 4D is basically a set of interactive blocks that help students learn the periodic table by showing how elements combine into new chemical substances, what the reaction looks like and the resulting chemical equation.

Take a look at the movie to see how these simple blocks use augmented reality to come to life. 

  1. Go to the this link and print off the paper blocks, cut them out and glue them together to make the boxes.Paper Blocks
  2. Install the "Elements 4D" App on your iPad, open the app and point your device at one of the blocks.
  3. To combine two elements introduce a second element, move the two blocks together until they touch.
  4. See the reaction - if nothing happens, those elements don't combine, try another combination.
The website also offers some really creative lesson plans for you to use.

Lesson Plans_Grades 3-5
Lesson Plans_Grades 6-8
Lesson Plans_Grades 9-12

For further information about Elements 4D click on the link below to check out their website

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