Sunday, 18 January 2015


Science - Google Forms (Assessment Tool)

Normally I would use Google forms for conducting surveys, however in the Science department I saw the Google Form being used in an ingenious way to create quizzes and conduct student assessment by using the add-on app Flubaroo. 

Please read below on how Mr Ahmed Maqbool Head of Science has used Google Forms and Flubaroo to conduct a summative assessment activity on his grade 11 students on the topic of Cell Biology.

Why use Flubaroo?

Flubaroo takes all the responses from the student quiz and;
  • Marks the quiz for you.
  • It breaks down the data to identify, what mark each student got for each question
  • It also creates a chart for you as a teacher to see which questions students struggled on and what they found easy, so you are able to focus on areas of weakness.
  • It allows students to also reflect and understand where they need to improve their knowledge.
Why use Google Form? Hope the below information answers this question for you.....

Teacher Preparation
  • Created a Quiz/Test in Google form. Press the hyperlink to see the quiz/test that the teacher has created.  Topic 1 Unit Test (part - 2)
  • The teacher has used a variety of questioning techniques within the test (Magnification, Calculation, Labeling diagrams, Multiple choice etc)

Below are examples of the type of questions that were created in Google Form

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
  • Students have been sent the link beforehand but were restricted to only viewing the test not to submit answers.
Student activity:
  • Students were given 15 minutes to complete the test
  • They were restricted to only submitting one response 
Advantages of using Google Form and Flubaroo:
  • No marking/grading for the teacher
  • Students are engaged 
  • Feedback from the test can be analysed almost instantaneously
  • Helps with future lesson planning
  • It has an option to Email grades to students very easily
  • It has an option to summarise how the class has done as a whole.

Example of Student Submission from the Google Form

Example of student response data for each student (the names of the students have been blocked out) 

Example of Grading report 

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